8-Zone Mixer with RS-232c and IP Control
8-Zone Mixer with RS-232c and IP Control
The DN-508MX and 508MXA Zone Mixers are refreshingly uncomplicated, high-performance solutions for controlling and routing up to eight audio sources in multi-room venues. Special attention has been paid to the design of the front panel interface to make them intuitive and easy to operate, which makes the “learning curve” on these products very short. The 508MXA has on-board zone amplification for added flexibility when configuring a specific system with different requirements.
Odlike proizvoda:
- 6 mic/line inputs
- 4 ST inputs
- 1 aux input on front and rear
- 8 zone outputs
- Professional-grade grounding and sound quality
- Remote controllability using TCP/IP, RS-232, and RS-422
- 3-band equalizer for all inputs
- 5-band equalizer for all zone outputs
- Delay and dynamics function for all zone outputs