Genelec introduces its new flagship floor-standing main monitor

As part of its 45th anniversary year, Genelec has unveiled the 8381A Smart Active Monitoring system, a flagship floor-standing Adaptive Point Source™ design that fuses exceptional precision and envelopment with unrivalled LF control, huge headroom and high-resolution imaging. Designed for high end music recording, mastering and audiophile listening, the 8381A creates a free-standing full range monitoring solution that can intelligently adapt to any acoustic environment. For audio professionals, the 8381A produces accurate full-band mixes that translate consistently to other rooms and playback systems, while audiophiles will experience every detail and nuance of a musical performance, just as the creators intended it to be heard. As a member of ‘The Main Ones’ range, the 8381A system is acoustically coaxial right down to bass frequencies, and draws on proven technology developed for Genelec’s patented and award-winning ‘The Ones’ family of point source monitors and the W371A Adaptive Woofer System, which themselves can combine to create a free-standing full-range monitoring system.